Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mantle Styling

After all the Christmas decorations were taken down it was time to refresh the mantle.  I wanted to give you a quick lesson on how to personalize and style your mantle using objects found around the house.  Rather than using one large piece I like to use an assortment of things and group them together.

Step 1:  Choose an item (or items in this case) to be the focal point of the display.  I chose this set of Egyptian prints.

Step 2: Layer - I placed an empty frame behind the shortest of the three pictures to give it the illusion of being taller.   Use your imagination with this. Old doors, window frames, and mirrors can also create a fun layered look, it just depends on what you are going for. 

Step 3: Add coordinating accessories. A couple candles, a regal horse, some feathers in a vase, and vintage books add the perfect finishing touches.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Closets Galore!

Today's post is dedicated to a friend in desperate need of some organizational help.  She has been mentioning how she's wanted to turn her guest room into a closet (this girl has more clothes and accessories than I know what to do with) so I thought I'd share images of closet designs I find inspirational.

Ever since the issue of Country Living featuring Lizzie Carney came out I have been in love with her European style bungalow.  She transformed her spare room into a closet and dressing room any girl would swoon over. {source}

I love this use of attic space - can't forget to mention the gorgeous use of metallics! {source}

Sunday, January 8, 2012

For dog lovers

Today I would like to introduce you to some very special members of my family.

Here we have Sookie, my accident prone, ADHD, goofy, loving, pride and joy :)

This is her Uncle Farley (aka the sock/shoe thief)

and her cousin Pita (torpedo tail).

Yesterday I spent some boring  enjoyable time patching holes in their beds (we'll see how long that lasts).  Anyone who is fortunate enough to have one of these lovable creatures in their family probably can relate.  I mean really..how can you stay mad at these adorable faces? 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Google is my Best Friend

Not really but I'm sure you can relate. Last night I spent approximately 542 hours trying to figure out HTML codes and personalize my blog.  Ok I may be slightly exaggerating..but if it weren't for Google and some of the amazing sites I came across I never would have gotten it done.  Here are links to the sites I found helpful in case any of you newbies are as confused as I am:

And of course the most obvious one..

Friday, January 6, 2012

iPhone Case

While looking for iPhone cases the other day I came across some of the most adorable designs..

I love the personalized cases but not their $50 and up price tag (which is half the price of the phone!)

I found the style of case I wanted on Amazon for only $13

then spent $3 on scrapbook paper and stickers.  I used Mod Podge to adhere the paper to the case and completed my project using an acrylic gloss coating.

Loving the results!